+48 606 306 344

Full Board or Food All Inclusive

Most attractions for families with children

Paradise in the heart of Warmia and Mazury

Animations for children all year round!

17 Sep 24
19 Sep 24
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In the heart of Warmia-Masuria

What is essential for a good stay? A nice hotel, with a soul, with a special and very family-friendly ambience, of course! And we fulfil all of these criteria. Our facility is fit both for a family stay and group visits. Most evidently, a great asset of ours is this fabulous location, full of attractions which make your stay by the lake most enjoyable, indeed.

Holidays with children

Children will love this place!

Conferences and trainings

Best choice for a team-building event!

Family celebrations

A wedding near Olsztyn? Only in our hotel!

Perfect spot

There’s no better leisure spot than Zalesie Mazury Active Spa. My stay in this resort was just perfect, you can really feel family calls the shots in this place! The staff is extremely polite, there are many facilities available, and children are constantly pampered with various attractions! My daughter didn’t want to leave the Fairytale Land, and my son discovered his culinary talent during pizza festival :) We left the hotel only yesterday and want to come back already! And we will come back! This place is a gem, indeed! (...)

Picturesque location right at the Orzyc Wielkie Lake

Our holiday resort with a private beach is located in a secluded, ecologically clean oasis of peace right at the Orzyc Wielki Lake, amidst a pine - spruce forest.

This spacious 3,5 h complex spreads between the Orzyc Wielki Lake and the Pisa River, barely 3 km eastwards from the town of Barczewo, southwards from the route Olsztyn - Mrągowo – Augustów (road E16). Zalesie is a sheer paradise, bursting with attractions at every single step.

Picturesque location
Picturesque location

Family holidays Your dream relaxation

Zalesie is perfect for every weather and every season. We offer you holidays with children, lakeside holidays, family stays and so much more. Our resort is at your disposal all the year round and therefore, you can enjoy our services any time you want to! Holidays, Christmas and Easter breaks… Just take your family to Zalesie and have a whale of a time!

Family holidays
Family holidays
Family holidays

Childcare 365 days a year

We offer 11 hours of childcare / day, 7 days / week  - up to 77 hours of childcare per week!  Baby Club is a professional care for children aged from 4 months to 3 years, Mini Club is a care for children aged 3-10 years.  And all this as part of any package stay at no extra charge!

Childcare 365 days a year
Childcare 365 days a year
Childcare 365 days a year

SPA Weekend in the Masuria

Would you like to relax in the greenery of Masuria, pampered with various beauty treatments? Do you want to take your family or friends with you? Perhaps you need a holiday resort with a rich leisure – sports offer? Well, the search is now over. Here’s your top choice – the Zalesie Mazury Hotel – a SPA with a soul!

SPA Weekend
SPA Weekend

Conferences and trainings for companies In the very heart of Warmia-Masuria Province

Our Holiday Resort Zalesie in the Masuria Province is a fabulous choice for all kinds of team-building events. Captivating, riveting impressions guaranteed! Many business customers, companies and institutions from all over the country have trusted our expertise already! And they were much more than content with their choice. Being praised by those we dedicate our efforts to is the greatest award of them all.

Conferences and trainings for companies
Conferences and trainings for companies

Family celebrations in the charming town of Zalesie

It’s a universally acknowledged fact that the best weddings in the whole world are organized here, in the charming town of Zalese, barely 18 km away from Olsztyn. So, if you’re looking for a facility where you could celebrate tiding the knot, the First Holy Communion of your child or your own wedding anniversary, we are your perfect choice! Open spaces, charming ambience, beautiful surroundings… Everything you've ever dreamed of… And what about spending your honey moon in a such romantic place…..
Family celebrations

Cultural richness of Warmia and Mazur Educational book for children

We encourage you to download and get acquainted with the educational booklet for children "Cultural Wealth of Warmia and Mazur"

Cultural richness of Warmia and Mazur
Cultural richness of Warmia and Mazur

Packages and promotions

Family Winter Holidays in Masuria

Family Winter Holidays in Masuria

  • min. 2 nights
  • All Inclusive
540 from 380 /pers./night
Food All Inclusive + All-day animations
See more
Autumn holidays with children in Masuria

Autumn holidays with children in Masuria

  • min. 2 nights
  • Full Board
480 from 361 /pers./night
Full board + daily animations
See more
Active leisure in Masuria

Active leisure in Masuria

  • min. 2 nights
  • Full Board
480 from 380 /pers./night
Full Board + First Minute - 5%
See more
Halloween Family Weekend

Halloween Family Weekend

  • min. 3 nights
  • All Inclusive
from 500 /pers./night
Fod All Inclusive + All-Day Animations
See more
Long Weekend of the Independence Day in the family SPA

Long Weekend of the Independence Day in the family SPA

  • min. 3 nights
  • All Inclusive
from 500 /pers./night
Food All Inclusive + All-Day Animations
See more
St. Andrew's Weekend in Masuria

St. Andrew's Weekend in Masuria

  • 2 nights
  • All Inclusive
480 from 456 /pers./night
See more
Winter recreation with children in Masuria

Winter recreation with children in Masuria

  • min. 2 nights
  • Full Board
480 from 342 /pers./night
children up to 3 years old FREE, children 3-10 years old 50%
See more
St. Nicholas weekend in Masuria

St. Nicholas weekend in Masuria

  • 2 nights
  • All Inclusive
480 from 456 /pers./night
See more


  • min. 3 nights
  • All Inclusive
640 from 608 /pers./night
Food All Inclusive + Christmas dinner
See more


  • min. 2 nights
  • All Inclusive
900 from 665 /pers./night
See more
Epiphany Weekend

Epiphany Weekend

  • min. 3 nights
  • All Inclusive
500 from 437 /pers./night
Food All inclusive + Codzienne Animacje
See more

Contact us Our receptionists are at your disposal 24/7

Should you be interested in our family holidays, SPA packages or any other offers, please don’t hesitate to contact us right away! Our contact data for given departments can be found in the contact section.

T: +48 89 514 82 41
M: +48 606 306 344
E: recepcja@zalesiemazury.pl

Book your stay

Book your stay

17 Sep 24
19 Sep 24
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More about Zalesie comfortable hotel in Mazury

Our hotel is located near Olsztyn in the heart of Warmia and Mazur. Thanks to this convenient location, guests from Warsaw and Tri-City can reach us by car in 2.5 hours. 

The entire area of the hotel covers 4 hectares between Lake Orzyc Maly and the river Pisa, in the immediate vicinity of the beautiful Masurian forest, which is ideal for hiking and cycling trips. 

Zalesie Mazury is the best hotel in Mazury for longer and shorter holidays with children at any time of the year. Thanks to the largest number of attractions for families with children located under the roof, you can have a great time with us regardless of the weather outside the window. Bajkolandia, Mini Club, Baby Club, Animation room, Sand room, Sports room, Animations for children all year round etc. 

Also adults Guests will find in our hotel attractions for themselves, thanks to which their stay will be very successful: Mazurski Spa with wellness area, recreational pool, lobby bar with relaxation area for adults, fitness room, daily active classes with our trainers. 

We have refined the hotel offer over the years - that is why today guests not only highly appreciate their stay in Zales, but also gladly return to us. This hotel is a favorite place for holiday, weekend, leisure. Children are delighted by the number of attractions, while adults are guaranteed peace and relaxation. That is why Zalesie Mazury Active Spa is a hotel in Mazury so often chosen by families.

There are hotels in Mazury and Zalesie - visit our facility and choose the best family or slimming package for you.

All-year pool
Animations for children
Bajkolandia (Fairytale Land)
Team building
Private beach
Slimming holidays
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