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  4. Cathedral of St. James the Apostle

Cathedral of St. James the Apostle

The concathedral basilica of St. James the Apostle was erected in the second half of the 14th century, it was one of the most valuable sacred monuments of Warmia .The church originally had a wooden tower, which was replaced by a stone tower in 1596. The tower is 70 metres high.


From the mid-16th century, sermons had been preached in Polish here. In the course of its history, the church was repeatedly looted by conquerors - Teutonic Knights as well as Russian and Napoleonic troops .The temple was rebuilt in the nineteenth century, however, its original interior has not been preserved. The present interiors come from other churches, you can see the fifteenth-century statues of St. Andrew and St. James, a gothic tabernacle, a triptych and sculptures from the 16th-17th centuries here. Since 2004, the church has born the name of a minor basilica. In the summer season, the Olsztyn Organ Concerts are held here.


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