+48 606 306 344

11 hours of childcare every day!

Animations for children all year round!

17 Sep 24
19 Sep 24
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Kids in the Masuria

Think of our Zalesie Mazury as an excellent starting point of trips for exploring Warmia and Masuria. There’s so much to discover. Your Little Ones will love it!

Fairytale Land

Mini Playground with Jungle Gym

Mini ZOO

great attraction for little guests

Recreational pool

with the Happy Kids zone

Everything children need to have fun

I can't imagine a better place for a holiday with children. There is literally everything children need to have fun, from animation to feeding animals to bouncy castles. Instead of listing what is there, it is easier to list what is not there, although it seems to me that there is something I won't find one like that. There were so many attractions that we didn't have time to use all of them during our week-long stay. The food is delicious and varied (live cooking is a great thing), it's clean, the standard of the facility is really good. I don't remember when was the last time we didn't want to come home from a trip. On We will definitely visit Zalesie again!

Perfect for families with children

Such a gem! With delicious cuisine, especially recommended for families with children. Lots of attractions even on a rainy day. You just can’t get bored here! The resort location is beautiful, the pool and sauna available throughour the stay are highly recommended! If you’re on diet, you’d better stay at home.

fun with the dwarf Zalesie

"Meet our dwarf Zalesie, who is the host of all spaces for children. He and our team of animators come up with the best games and activities for children. Your children will have the opportunity to meet Zalesie during their family stay in our facility. Look out for him carefully, maybe he will have a A surprise for you :) And if you want to take him home with you, visit our reception and ask for a mascot or a t-shirt with Zalesie. "
fun with the dwarf Zalesie

By the lake Family holidays

Being parents of three, we know all too well how difficult it is to find a place where you could spend your family holidays, especially if looking for something by the lake. And for this very reason we would like you recommend choosing the Zalesie Mazury Active Spa for your leisure spot. You won’t regret it and neither will you children.

This charming location right by the Orzyc Lake, touching the forest, makes your Little Ones discover the beauty of nature at every single step.

By the lake
By the lake
By the lake

Childcare zone the latest investment

Over 350 m2 includes three spaces: Baby Club - for children from 8 months to 3 years old. Mini Club - for children from 3 years old and up Animation Zone - over 170m2, where animations for children and the whole family are held every day in several thematic blocks. In the first two clubs, parents can leave their children under the supervision of professional animators and indulge in the pleasures offered by the hotel or simply read a book in peace. In the third, thematic animations are held. This zone also includes 5 Xbox seats
Childcare zone
Childcare zone
Childcare zone

Daily animations Experienced animations

As the Active philosophy dictates, when the weather is good, we concentrate on activities taking place outside the hotel building, on the 4 ha of land and in the forest around our facility as well These are sports activities, promoting a healthy life style.

Daily animations

Bajkolandia (Fairytale Land) Oasis of fun for the Little Ones

Your Little Ones (at the age of 1-10) won’t have a chance to get bored here. The extremely fabulous playground BAJKOLANDIA, which means a FAIRYTALE LAND, offers them more than 200 m2 of indoor fun. They’ll find here the so called jungle gym and lots of popular toys, such as: slides, rollercoasters, colouring tools etc.

Bajkolandia (Fairytale Land)

Recreational pool A whale of a time

Every family member shall find here something for themselves. There’s even a special Happy Kids zone with a 0,5 m paddling pool and mini slides for children. The second pool (1,3 m deep) is destined for older children and their parents.

Recreational pool
Recreational pool

3 playgronunds Lots of fun

We have 3 external playgrounds, suitable for children aged 2-10. Yet another attraction of ours are the inflatables where in chosen hours your kids can play under the watchful eye of our animations from the late spring until the early autumn.

3 playgronunds
3 playgronunds
3 playgronunds

Mini ZOO for our youngest Guests

Your children will be in seventh heaven to visit our MINI ZOO where a whole bunch of friendly animals wait to greet them: 2 sheltie ponies, a donkey, 2 mini goats and rabbits. If they wish, your Little Ones can try a pony ride or riding classes under the watchful eye of our highly qualified instructors.

Mini ZOO
Mini ZOO
Mini ZOO

Private beach In the Masurian surroundings

Our private beach by the Orzyc Lake enjoys a vast popularity amongst both the younger and these slightly older visitors. In the high season, a lifeguard takes care of your safety. Don’t forget to check our newest attraction – 60 m long water slide powered with the lake water!

Private beach
Private beach
Private beach
Private beach

Perfect rooms for families

We’ve created our rooms, having the needs of families in mind. That's true, finding a suitable accommodation base for them is never easy. Yet now the search is over. If you are dreaming of a few days amidst the nature of Masuria, choose our rooms located in the A building, perfect for 2+2 families. Apart from the double bed, there is also one more and if necessary, also some space for the travel cot and pram for the youngest kids. And if you’d like to have it more comfy, pick up one of our 2-room studios – Standard or Standard Plus –and enjoy these royal amenities.

Perfect rooms
Perfect rooms
Perfect rooms

Additional attractions for older children

At your disposal, there are also: touring bikes, basketball court, football pitch, beach volleyball court, 2 large trampolines, ping-pong table and billiards.
Additional attractions
Additional attractions
Additional attractions

Best recommendations Numerous awards and certificates

For the fourth time already, our Resort has been chosen by the jury of the Family Friendly Hotel Contest as the best Holiday Resort for Families with Children. We’ve won the TRAVELLERS' CHOICE 2018 for our facility in the category THE BEST HOTELS FOR FAMILIES IN POLAND!
Best recommendations
Best recommendations
Best recommendations
Best recommendations

Facilities for families

Our facility offers a wide palette of discounts and promotions and naming them all would make quite a long list, indeed. Yet the most important ones of them are: travel cots, socket covers, changing tables for toddlers, bathtubs, plastic dishes and cutlery, feeding chairs and touring bikes with seats for children. On our premises, pregnant women, breastfeeding mums and their babies will find everything they might need during their stay here.

Facilities for families
Facilities for families
Facilities for families

Packages and promotions

Family Winter Holidays in Masuria

Family Winter Holidays in Masuria

  • min. 2 nights
  • All Inclusive
540 from 380 /pers./night
Food All Inclusive + All-day animations
See more
Autumn holidays with children in Masuria

Autumn holidays with children in Masuria

  • min. 2 nights
  • Full Board
480 from 361 /pers./night
Full board + daily animations
See more
Active leisure in Masuria

Active leisure in Masuria

  • min. 2 nights
  • Full Board
480 from 380 /pers./night
Full Board + First Minute - 5%
See more
Halloween Family Weekend

Halloween Family Weekend

  • min. 3 nights
  • All Inclusive
from 500 /pers./night
Fod All Inclusive + All-Day Animations
See more
Long Weekend of the Independence Day in the family SPA

Long Weekend of the Independence Day in the family SPA

  • min. 3 nights
  • All Inclusive
from 500 /pers./night
Food All Inclusive + All-Day Animations
See more
St. Andrew's Weekend in Masuria

St. Andrew's Weekend in Masuria

  • 2 nights
  • All Inclusive
480 from 456 /pers./night
See more
Winter recreation with children in Masuria

Winter recreation with children in Masuria

  • min. 2 nights
  • Full Board
480 from 342 /pers./night
children up to 3 years old FREE, children 3-10 years old 50%
See more
St. Nicholas weekend in Masuria

St. Nicholas weekend in Masuria

  • 2 nights
  • All Inclusive
480 from 456 /pers./night
See more


  • min. 3 nights
  • All Inclusive
640 from 608 /pers./night
Food All Inclusive + Christmas dinner
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  • min. 2 nights
  • All Inclusive
900 from 665 /pers./night
See more
Epiphany Weekend

Epiphany Weekend

  • min. 3 nights
  • All Inclusive
500 from 437 /pers./night
Food All inclusive + Codzienne Animacje
See more
Book your stay

Book your stay

17 Sep 24
19 Sep 24
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All-year pool
Animations for children
Bajkolandia (Fairytale Land)
Team building
Private beach
Slimming holidays
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